Once again the mini marathon has delivered much needed funds to the Association. This year Anne O Brien from Rathangan Co. Kildare rallied a team of 20 to fund raise for the event. With a mix of participants and collectors they managed to fill over 25 cards and lodge an incredible €2, physician 961.50.
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Annual Scientific Conference, April 2003 – Report
The Craniofacial Society of Great Britain & Ireland Annual Scientific Conference
9-11 April 2003 University of Leeds.
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland was pleased to support the attendance of Julie Young, Anne McGillivary and Louise Cafferky at the Craniofacial Society of Great Britain & Ireland Annual Scientific Conference in Leeds in April 2003. The following is a report of the Conference furnished by Anne McGillivary.
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New Appointment at Crumlin CLP Team
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin
Melanie Talbot, Medical Social Worker, is now working with the Multi-disciplinary Cleft Lip & Palate Team based in Our Lady’s Hospital. This Social Work service has been set up to provide support to families and children attending the Cleft Lip and Palate Service.
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cleft.ie Discussion Forums Launched
Today, pilule the 11th March, rx sees the public unveiling of cleft.ie Discussion Forums, viagra an exciting new service provided by the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland.
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€900 Raised at Thumped.com Christmas Extravaganza
A total of €900 was raised at a music gig organised by Dublin’s underground music website thumped.com and held in Dublin on Wednesday, the 18th December, with the proceeds going to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland. The gig was held in Doyle’s of Fleet Street and included a number of acclaimed Dublin bands.
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association would like to thank most sincerely thumped.com and those involved in the event for this generous contribution. Particular thanks goes to Peter and Debbie, to name just two.
Fundraising Event Raises €930.00
Mentec’s social committee recently organised a table quiz fundraiser for the Association. By coincidence Triona Sweeney from the Children’s Hospital Temple Street sent us a request for funds to help train Speech Language Therapists in the use of new techniques / equipment. With this in mind the folks in Mentec pulled out all the stops and organised an excellent raffle in addition to the table quiz.
Prizes for the raffle were donated by – Irish Items (2 lovely golf bags), buy cialis Discover Scuba, viagra order Panache Dry Cleaners, online and Maguire Sports. In addition T. Bourke & Company donated a cheque to the fund.
Many thanks to everybody involved for organising sponsoring and participating in such a successful event.
Christmas Gift Idea?
With the Christmas season fast approaching you may want to consider the gift of an electric toothbrush.
But what do the experts say? Talking to Paddy Fleming, Paediatric Dentist with Our Ladies Hospital for Sick Children, he says electric toothbrushes are just as good as regular ones. You can get the same result. If however the novelty of an electric toothbrush stimulates more brushing, then that’s a plus.
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What’s in a stare?
I recently attended the AGM of CLAPA UK. It was my first visit although CLAPAI are represented most years. There was a packed agenda that was full of interesting topics. Jane Frances from Changing Faces gave the first talk. I cannot give a report on all of Jane’s talk suffice to say it was most enlightening. The following are my own notes on the section of the talk that dealt with staring. Continue reading
AGM 2002 & Information Evening – Report
The Annual General Meeting of the Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland was held on Tuesday, 24th September 2002 at 7:30 pm in the William Stokes Building, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8. RuairàÓ Dúlaing was re-elected Chairman.
In addition to the AGM two talks were given. Approximately 30 people were in attendance. The evening was a notable success with questions being put to both speakers from the floor and delight being expressed at the contributions of both speakers. The presentation by Julie Young on speech and language therapy in cleft treatment is now available at cleft.ie.
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Speech and Language Therapy Services in Ireland – A Crisis in Need of Resolution
Position Paper – Introduction
Given the chaotic state of speech and language therapy services as provided by the Health Services, the Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland (‘the Association’) has undertaken its own analysis of the problems that exist. In so doing it has examined the various reports carried out, as well as taken cognicance of the views of interested parties and most particularly the views and experiences of its own members.
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