Department of Health
The website of the Department of Health provides information ranging from contact details for health agencies, hospitals and health boards to full-text publications, statistics and ministerial statements.
22Q11 Ireland
Ireland’s National charity forĀ children and adults diagnosed with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, DiGeorge Syndrome and VCFS.
Vhi Healthcare
Has an A-Z section with more than 3,000 articles on health topics. Also has a section on healthy living, sections on various ‘life stages’, and a ‘members only’ section.
This resource is provided by MedMedia, the healthcare publishing company. Entry points include Child Health, Women’s Health, Older People, Cancer, Heart Health, Dental Health, and Alternative Medicine, and to name but some. The latest health news is also provided.
The information available via this health site is written and edited by medical professionals whose credentials are given, lending to the site’s credibility. Current health news is also available, while the site features coverage of a wide range of health topics. ts online dictionary includes not only standard medical terms, but also scientific terms, abbreviations, acronyms, symptoms, etc. Written entirely by physicians and other health professionals, it is designed for the widest audience possible. The entries can vary in length, often beyond what you might generally expect of a dictionary entry. The dictionary can either be searched or browsed alphabetically.
This US government service created by the Department of Health and Human Services offers access to hundreds of medical resources. Resources linked to include US federal, state, local, university and nonprofit organizations. Topics as diverse as AIDS, cancer, food safety, diet, exercise, and alternative medicine are among those covered. A search facility is provided.
US National Library of Medicine
Describes itself as the world’s largest medical library, it provids access to a number of different services. PubMed includes over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources. MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other US government agencies and health-related organizations.Includes a medical disctionary and encyclopaedia.
This web site is based on the vision of the former US Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop, and contains news, product reviews, and advice on fitness, general and mental health, medical conditions, first aid, nutrition, and preventative medicine. There is drug information and a link to FDA drug information. There is also a medical encyclopedia.
NOAH: New York Online Access to Health BROKEN
NOAH is a bilingual (Spanish and English) health site providing access to a large amount of data on a multitude of diseases, plus links to other medical resources. The site was established by four partners – the NY Academy of Medicine, the City University of NY, the Metropolitan NY Library Council, and the NY Public Library.
MayoClinic Health Oasis
From the renowned Mayo Foundation, the charitable not-for-profit organization based in Rochester, Minnesota, the Mayo Clinic Health Oasis provides health information on a wide variety of medical topics, with an editorial board overseeing the content.
This web site is provided by the Nemours Foundation, a nonprofit organization. There are three separate areas, one each for parents, teenagers and kids, providing age-appropriate articles. These, the site states, are all written by health professionals and reviewed by expert clinicians. Examples of articles in the section for parents include Common childhood ear problems, Is it a cold or the flu?, Coping with night terrors, and head lice.
Patient UK
Patient UK’s aim is “to be a reliable and comprehensive source of health and disease information, mainly aimed at the UK general public, but of interest to all” (quote).
The Merck Manuals
Available online are the following medical texts from Merck & Co., Inc.:
The Merck Manual of Medical Information – Second Home Edition (2003), The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, The Merck Manual of Geriatrics, 3rd ed. The Home Edition is based on the Centennial Edition, which is targeted at health care professionals, and uses language with which the lay person should be more comfortable. The publications are browsable and searchable.
Other Sites
Special Needs Active Parents Ireland