[Note: Cleft treatment can differ around the world and consequently the treatments discussed in non-Irish publications will not necessarily mirror Irish practices. The listing is not intended as a substitute for professional medical opinion.]
CLAPAI – Leaflet Series
In November 2004, The Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland launched a series of 10 Information Leaflets covering various aspects of cleft lip and palate. The leaflets can be got directly from the Association or in the various cleft treatment centres.
Downloadable Pdf versions are also available via this website. More…
Information Pack
Details on how to request our Information Pack.
Information on CLEFT LIP & PALATE
This booklet (A5 size, 36 pages) was produced by the Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland and published with the support of the Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health.
Now superseded by our leaflet series, copies are nonetheless still available and can be requested by e-mailing info@cleft.ie
The Management of Cleft Lip & Palate
…at The Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street (2002 edition)
This booklet (A4 size, 30 pages) is directed at the parents of cleft lip and palate children, and is prepared by The Cleft Lip and Palate Team in St. Frances’s Clinic, The Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin. The latest edition of the booklet was funded by The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland and The Friends of Temple Street.
Download the full text here:
The Management of Cleft Lip & Palate (pdf)
(Reproduced with kind permission of the Cleft Lip & Palate Team © in St. Frances’s Clinic, The Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street).
Development of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Services
…in the Eastern Health Board Region
Eastern Health Board, February 1999. 118p. (A4 size)
In February 1999 a report into the development of oral and maxillofacial surgery services in the Eastern Health Board region was published. The terms of reference included a review of current and anticipated future needs, existing services and resources, identify shortcomings, and indicate any additional resources required.
We include here those sections of the report covering cleft lip and palate services. as a one document .pdf download.
Children Born with Cleft Lip and Palate
– A Guide for Parents and Carers
This booklet (A5 size, 14 pages) is produced by UK CLAPA for parents of children with cleft lip, cleft palate or both cleft lip and palate. Not quite the detail of the above listed booklets, but that may be to its advantage as an introduction for new parents. In the UK it is available free of charge to affected families. To everyone else, it is priced at st£2.00. Contact CLAPA Head Office, 235-237 Finchley Road, London NW3 6LS. E-mail: info@clapa.com
SEE http://www.clapa.com/publications.php
Stop Singing. People Might Hear You: My Cleft Book
by Maria T. Burglehaus
Published by Maria T. Burglehaus, U.S.A.
P/B 1894255151
A Parent’s Guide to Cleft Lip and Palate
by Karlind T. Moller and Clark D. Starr, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1990. ISBN 0816614911 130pp.
[Professor Moller is Director of the Cleft Palate Maxillofacial Clinic at the University of Minnesota, and Professor Clark is based in the Dept. of Communication Disorders, and speech pathologist, Cleft Palate Maxillofacial Clinic, University of Minnesota].
This book is designed to provide parents and other health-care givers with a “knowledgeable discussion of the nature and causes of cleft lip and palate together with information about the medical, http://www.ourhealthissues.com dental, speech, hearing, and psychosocial concerns” (quote).
Chapters: 1. What is cleft lip and palate? 2. A team approach to a complex problem. 3. Closing the gap: surgical repair of clefts. 4. Feeding a child with a cleft. 5. Ear problems: why they happen and what can be done about them. 6. Clefts and the development of teeth. 7. Staying in touch: how clefts affect speech. 8. The image in the mirror: how clefts affect social and psychological development. 9. Can this happen again? The importance of genetic counselling. 10. A final word – optimism.
The Cleft Palate Story
by Samuel Berkowitz, Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., Chicago, 1994. ISBN 0867152591 219pp.
[S. Berkowitz , Orthodontist, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine, and Research Director, Plastics Surgery Dept., Miami Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida]
Available online at http://medpro.smiletrain.org/library/PublicLibrary.html (each chapter as a pdf document).
To quote from the preface, “hospital personnel involved in the delivery and nursery often have little or no experience with clefts, and they are often unable to offer as much aid or advice as parents would like. …I believe parents are motivated and capable of understanding more about their children’s clefts. This amply illustrated book is a practical yet comprehensive guide which describes how the condition can be managed and a successful outcome realised.
Chapters: 1.When a child is born with a cleft. 2. Feeding your child. 3. The anatomy of clefts. 4. The causes of clefting. 5. The cleft palate team. 6. Preparing for surgery. 7. Surgery. 8. Facial and dental concerns. 8. Speech concerns. 9. Hearing concerns. 11. What you need to know.
Your Cleft-Affected Child: The Complete Book of Information, Resources, and Hope
by Carrie Gruman-Trinkner
Hunter House Publishers, U.S.A.
P/B 0897931858 H/B 0897931866
Cleft Lip and/or Palate: Report of a CSAG Committee
* London: The Stationery Office, 1998. 119p. (A4 size)
ISBN 0113221037 Price st£15.00
This, the 15th report of the Clinical Standards Advisory Group, reports on the standards of clinical care, access to and availability of services to UK NHS patients, and makes recommendations based on the conclusions drawn.
The report reviews existing clinical standards, research efforts, the effectiveness of various centres and surgical outcomes, parent satisfaction, plus it compares UK levels of treatment with two centres on mainland Europe, namely Oslo and Nantes.
While heavily laden with statistical data and comparision, it is useful in that in represents a thorough review of cleft care in our nearest neighbour, and presents a useful point of comparision for treatment in Ireland.
See extensive review and summary (reproduced here from EHB report)
Also summary article in:
Sandy, J. et al. (1998) The Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) Cleft Lip and Palate Study. British Journal of Orthodontics. Feb, 25(1):21-30.
Management of Cleft Lip and Palate: a Primer for Parents and Family
by Eric J. Dierks, Head & Neck Surgical Associates, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
2001. 13pp.
Available online at www.drdierks.com (pdf document – 104kb)
North Bristol NHS Trust Leaflets
Information for parents whose daughter(son) has been born with a bilateral (unilateral) cleft lip and(or) palate, from the Cleft Lip & Palate Team, Frenchay Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust 22/23pp.
Eight publications, each on a specific cleft condition, from the Cleft Lip & Palate Team at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, England.
Available online at http://www.nbt.nhs.uk/services/surgery/cleftlippalate/Treatment_plans.htm (pdf documents – each 81-85kb)