Parent Led Articulation Therapy (PLAT) Update

Parent Led Articulation Therapy (PLAT) is an exciting new Speech & Language Therapy project which aims to find out if empowering parents by training them helps their child overcome their speech problems related to cleft palate.

This two centre study is being run by Dr. Triona Sweeney, Trinity College Dublin and Dr. Debbie Sell, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Parents are encouraged to participate in this study as this will help us find out whether this novel new approach to speech therapy for children with cleft palate related speech problems is effective. Four parents who have already attended the training course were extremely positive about the programme. Following the home programme they said that “you feel like you are instrumental – taking some power yourself”, and how they realised that children “need a little bit every day, a weekly appointment is not enough”.

If you want further information about the project contact your cleft unit or Triona by phone at 085 1754614 or email

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